From Crisis to Stability
Your Support Helped a Mom Overcome Obstacles
Gloria was referred to HumanKind through the Housing Authority – she was a single mother of two young children, had just lost her job because she did not have reliable transportation, and was dangerously close to losing their apartment home. Gloria wanted to stop this cycle of finding work, needing reliable transportation to keep working, and struggling to make enough for rent and food. How would she overcome these obstacles when each day feels like a new crisis? But you were there; your generosity made the difference. Gloria found the support she needed from a career navigator in HumanKind’s Economic Resource Center (ERC).
When Gloria first met her career navigator she was overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do first. In the first meeting, she worked with her career navigator to pinpoint her urgent needs, the challenges she was facing, and what would bring stability to her family in the long term. Together they made a plan. Immediately it was clear that having stable employment that was accessible by bus from her apartment was the highest priority.
With little work history, Gloria needed help identifying her skill sets and help creating her first resume. The career navigator worked alongside her to find job opportunities that matched her new resume. Within a matter of days, she had an interview for a position in housekeeping. And the best part was – the job was fully accessible from the bus line she lived on.
Gloria’s career navigator helped her prepare for the upcoming interview, so she knew what to expect. Her biggest worry was not having enough money to get to and from the interview later that week. But because of your support, she had a bus pass to attend the interview. What a blessing!
Because of you, Gloria had the support she needed to overcome obstacles and find stability for herself and her children.
Soon after, she was offered the position and would make enough to keep her home! Knowing she would have a job that she could access from the bus line brought such comfort to Gloria. She continued to meet with her career navigator, taking the next step in the plan. She created a budget to plan for rent, utilities, bus passes for work each day, and expenses for her children. Gloria felt so comforted knowing she had a plan to keep her family in their home. And when she worried about how tight her budget would be until that first paycheck, your support bridged the gap. Because of your generosity, Gloria had two weeks of bus passes to ensure could make it to her first paycheck.
Helping Gloria bridge this gap is a gift beyond measure. You got her to the other side and helped her find stability. Because of you, she has hope for tomorrow – not just for herself, but for her children too.
Thank you for making sure this mom had the support she needed. Without you, she might not have been able to keep her family in a home to bridge the gap. Right now there are people, who much like Gloria, need someone to walk with them through a crisis. Because of you and your support, help and resources are ready and waiting for a neighbor in need.
Learn more about the Economic Resource Center programs at HumanKind by visiting here.