Early Head Start
Breaking the Cycle | Emily’s Story
At HumanKind, families grow, and families heal. When one family heals, our community is stronger. Today, because of your support Emily has carved out a safe, stable home for her children.

Early Head Start
Finding a Safe Haven | Tanisha’s Story
Tanisha found the support she needed from a Family Support Specialist through HumanKind’s Healthy Families program. Your support provided Tanisha someone to walk the journey with her—ensuring a safe home and a better life for her family.

Healthy Families
Walking the Journey | Jennifer’s Story
Jennifer found the support she needed from a Family Support Specialist through HumanKind’s Healthy Families program. Because of you, she had someone to walk with her to overcome her obstacle and push forward to make things better for her family.

Community Support Services
Finding a Way | Kaylah’s Story
Because of you, a lifeline of support and resources are ready to help a mom find their way. You are a hero to families struggling to overcome challenges. “I remember just instantly crying and letting out a breath I felt like I had been holding in for months.”

Community Support Services
Opportunity to Overcome | Mary’s Story
Mary's journey hasn't been easy and there are still challenges ahead. But because of you, this mother has access to life-changing resources. What a gift you have given her to build resiliency.

Early Head Start
Answered Prayers | Kathy & Sarah’s Story
Because of you Sarah has gained the confidence and security to build a life for her and her son. You opened doors so Kathy could help her daughter blossom into an amazing mother and make sure Aiden had a safe environment to grow and explore.