Community Support Services
Persistence puts Dreams within Reach | Keyonna’s Story
Because of you, she had someone to walk this journey with her. Helping her to stick to a savings plan, pay off her debt, and build a brighter financial future for her family. Homeownership is within sight – and she has a plan that will get her there. “I don’t feel accomplished every day, but when I have things that I paid off, that’s when I’m like, ‘I was putting in that work.’"
Community Support Services
Unexpected Blessings | Shauna’s Story
Now a mom of three children, Shauna still has her moments of feeling overwhelmed as the effects of the pandemic linger on. But because of you, today she’s stronger and has the tools and resources to guide her -- to take care of herself and her family.
Community Support Services
Connection is Everything | Andrew & Thomas’ Story
Because of you, Andrew and Thomas have a trauma therapist to connect with them in thoughtful and unique ways and helping them build a toolkit of therapeutic skills. Your support is the reason lives are transformed, and children get the care they desperately need.
Coronavirus Impact
More than Surviving | Donna’s Story
She didn’t give up – Donna wants to make life better not just for herself, but lead the way for her children. As the single income provider in her household, she had to keep everyone afloat while staying focused on her journey to financial stability. Even though she ran into hard times, your gifts helped her get through them.
Coronavirus Impact
Finding Refuge | Joseph’s Story
Months before the world declared a pandemic, Joseph’s life was already in crisis. Because of you this child had a foster family and safe home ready to meet his needs when crisis struck.
Coronavirus Impact
A Place to Call Home | Roman Family Story
Ramona and Franklin Roman never gave up. And because of you they had access to resources and the support they needed to create a path to homeownership. Very soon this family will be spending the holidays in their new home.