Finding Home
You’re the reason Marc has a loving home.
More than eight placements in just thirteen years. Hard for a child to have a healthy attachment to anyone or anything when home isn’t stable and constant. Marc had all but given up on finding a forever home; and who could blame him after bouncing around foster care and institutions from infancy. But you ensured there was hope. Because of your generosity, when Marc came into transitional care in May of 2020 HumanKind had a placement that fit him just right. And the real blessing was — it was an adoptive placement who offered him a sense of permanency for the first time in his life.
Tyler Costello has been a single foster parent for a number of years and knows the hard work it takes to help children like Marc living in foster care. Taking in a transitional placement is a long process, but Mr. Costello was committed to easing Marc into this placement hoping it could be his forever home. There were several in-person visits at the residential facility, therapy sessions with the treatment team, day long visits in a new environment and finally some overnight stays to ensure it is the best fit for Marc.
Since transitioning into Mr. Costello’s home Marc has had no additional hospitalizations, has stabilized on his medications, and
he’s dedicated to his out-patient therapy and in-home family services. He has gained stability and routine in his life. He even likes school and has become an excellent student in recent months. “It just goes to show what stability can do for a child”, shares his caseworker Molly.
Knowing that this placement is adoptive, has allowed him to settle into what life could be like in a forever home. As a family, they took advantage of pandemic times embracing all the outdoors has to offer. From strawberry picking, to spending time on local trails, to kayaking and securing the perfect pumpkin – family time has become front and center. They also engage with other foster families who spend time together actively supporting one another.
Marc has just celebrated his one year anniversary in this placement and plans are in place for this home to become permanent, just in time for summer.
To learn more about HumanKind Foster Care and how you can support as a foster parent, volunteer or community advocate, please visit
You transformed Marc’s life. Without you, he would have had a very different journey. Every day there are children, who much like Marc, need someone to stand for them and offer stability. Because of you and your support, help and resources are ready and waiting for a child in need.