Finding Her Voice
You helped Jennifer make a plan
Change and transition do not come easy when you are an adult with autism. For most of her life, Jennifer has survived by clinging to a routine and chose to spend a lot of time by herself. Her solitude made it challenging to connect with housemates and for support staff to help her find meaningful employment and set goals. When Jennifer was 19 she moved onto the Zuni campus and today at age 38 she lives in the Lynchburg Group Home for adults with developmental disabilities. She is one of 6 residents who receive around the clock care; each with a unique outlook on life, their own routine and a thrill for living life to the fullest.
Jennifer struggled to advocate for herself and even speak up in a group.
One of the goals that Jennifer chose for herself was to find her voice and have the confidence to make her own choices. She struggled to advocate for herself and even speak up in a group making it difficult for her peers to get to know her and support her hobbies. Her housemates and staff spent a lot of time encouraging her to join them in the common living areas and engage in social activities. Slowly but surely, Jennifer began to open up and share her love of pop culture, movies and fashion.
Jennifer found a job working on a college campus where she has the opportunity to not only meet new people but also keep up with the latest fashion trends. Finding her voice she has now decided to try a new hair style (and color) and is on the hunt for a hot pink pair of the original Doc Martin combat boots. They have also been added to her Christmas list.
Jennifer is now thriving. She still has her routine, but is making more and more of her own choices.
Because of generous donors like you, her plan became a reality.
Recently she voiced that she wanted to take karate lessons, and because of generous donors like you, she was able to make that desire a reality. When asked about what her karate lessons has meant to her, Jennifer responded, “She believed she could, so she did it”. Thank you for making Jennifer’s voice matter and giving her the space to shine.
You transformed Jennifer’s life. Without you, she would still be silently waiting for someone else to make a plan, which is why your gift matters so much. Every day there are adults with Developmental Disabilities, who much like Jennifer, need compassionate care and time to meet them where they are. Because of you, help and compassion are waiting for them.