“There’s no judgements made. They’re just here to help you get a job.” Jenny Novalis | Director of Bedford Public Libraries and Workforce Development partner
HumanKind is the One Stop Operator for Virginia Career Works – Central Region. Using the Bridges Out of Poverty framework and similar initiatives, HumanKind helps under-resourced job seekers or those with barriers to employment with life and career development skills. Working in partnership with the Virginia Employment Commission, Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services, Adult Education of Central Virginia, Old Dominion Job Corp, Central Virginia Community College, local departments of Social Services and other education or community stakeholders throughout the region, HumanKind staff coordinates resources to prepare individuals for living wage careers within the region. HumanKind is responsible for outreach throughout the region to ensure that career resources available in the comprehensive One Stop Center are available through libraries, adult education sites and other access points in every locality.
Hours of Operation
Virginia Career Works Lynchburg Center
3125 Odd Fellows Rd, Lynchburg, VA 24501
(434) 455-5940
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
For satellite locations please check with your local library for available times.
Virginia Career Works is here to help you find the job that is right for you.
We offer career services and access to training services as well as provide access to programs and activities carried out by One-stop partners as well as provide access to labor market information, job placement, recruitment and labor exchange services.
These services are available at all access points throughout the region. No appointment is needed.
Basic Career Services
Along with career assistance and employment opportunities the workforce center can help you develop valuable skills to meet the demands of the workforce. Services include workshops for resume preparation; job search techniques; interviewing skills; basic computer skills, and tutorials for navigating the Virginia Workforce Connection system. We can also provide valuable information on career outlooks and salary information to assist you in making smart decisions for your future career.
Individualized Career Services
Virginia Career Works has individualized career services based on your eligibility. We coordinate unemployment insurance benefits to eligible individuals; and other programs designed to assist with employment.
For workers impacted by layoffs or business closures the center can offer re-employment services, career counseling, resume preparation and interview workshops, education and training opportunities and information on health benefits and pension.
Similar services are available for workers impacted by foreign trade, as well as for migrant and seasonal farm workers and veterans.
Services for People with Disabilities
Career services for individuals with disabilities are coordinated to assist with the education, training, certification or credentials needed to qualify for high-demand jobs. These services assist individuals in gaining new skills to seek employment in competitive, high-quality occupations. The agencies also partner with a network of community rehabilitation providers, known as Employment Services Organizations. These organizations provide Employment and Vocational Services.
Connect with Us & our Workforce Partners
Virginia Career Works
Virginia Career Works on Facebook
Career Exploration
Virginia Workforce Connection