Carving a Path
Your gifts made sure Joy had a bright future ahead
Joy knew she wanted to live independently and to support herself, but every direction she tried came to a dead end. She had hoped her artistic abilities would carry her into a career, but was struggling to find a pathway to do so. At just 19 years old, she had very little work experience and struggled in interviews. She applied for several jobs, but never gained employment.
But through your generosity, you made it possible for Joy to have access to resources that transformed her life. Because of you, the Virginia Career Works Youth Program and a Career Navigator were ready and willing to walk this journey with her.
Joy’s coach led her through career exploration, resume building, interview preparation, and even search for a job that matched her skills. She was provided with soft-skills training where she learned how to communicate with employers and co-workers, how to ask for instructions to be explained in different ways, how to keep a schedule and to communicate professionally with customers.
After working through the training and several delays due to the coronavirus, Joy was connected with an employer that gave her a chance to work a few shifts and demonstrate what she had learned. All the waiting and hard work had been worth it when Joy was offered a position.
With her hands-on experience working in a hospitality environment, Joy knew this is where she wanted to build her career. “She started in housekeeping and she moved up into a houseperson role and now has her own board with 10-12 rooms–and she finishes them all. When I gave her that responsibility she was elated!” shared Joy’s supervisor Ms. Morrison.
“She said this is the first job that she has held for such a long period of time, that she really feels a part of the family and this job is perfect for her.” – Supervisor Ms. Morrison
Because of you Joy found the life-changing support she needed. She has found an art to her work in hospitality and takes pride in the details that go into a great guest experience. Now she can confidently spend her days finding delight in going the extra mile to bring joy to her guests.
Two years after first walking through our doors, she no longer has to rely on supplemental security income or live with her grandmother. Joy lives in her own apartment and now independently pays all of her bills. What a gift you have given Joy to experience life-changing moments at work and find so much satisfaction in a job well done. Ms. Morrison went on to share, “She doesn’t know yet but I think I’m going to make her employee of the month. She has really blossomed!”
HumanKind is the operator for the Virginia Career Works – Central Region including the Youth, Adult and Dislocated Worker programs.
About Virginia Career Works – Central Region
The Central Virginia Workforce Development Board (WDB) is the designated regional convener and administrative entity that coordinates workforce training and career services through federal funding from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). We are charged with overseeing and implementing workforce development initiatives and activities throughout the Virginia Career Works – Central Region.
The WDB collaborates with contracted program operators and workforce system partners to assist employers with applicant screening, writing job descriptions, and training new employees. The WDB also ensures that classes and career services are effectively delivered for Virginia Career Works – Central Region youth and adult residents as well as businesses.
Please visit for more information on connecting this vital resource in our region.
Because of you, Joy found a pathway to obtaining a job. Without you, she might not have had access to the tools and resources needed to gain independence. Right now there are people, who much like Joy, need someone to walk with her and offered guidance to become self-sustainable. With your help, career navigators and resources are ready and waiting for a neighbor in need.
Learn more about the Economic Opportunity programs at HumanKind by visiting here.